à la demande de Taz, je post un tuto sur le blockmixing ! je l'avais trouver sur TMX donc il est anglais, mais c'est super facile a comprendre.
donc voila le tuto
Hello TMX, I've made a simple tutorial on blockmixing I hope can be of any help
First of all, you'll need this...
This is Challenge Edit! A nice and userfriendly Blockmixing program.!
Download it and save it in a folder, preferably on your desktop.
First of all, enter Trackmania and start on a new track! (Whichever enviroment you like, but I'll show in stadtium in here...)
Save the track (!), Then alt+tab and open Challenge Edit.
Click on the folder with an arrow or press CTRL+O To open a map. Find the map you just saved and open it in Challenge Edit. Now it should look like this.
Now, go back into trackmania and find a block like this:
Our mission is to bring this block 3 squares down so we can drive upon it!
Now, Save the track again (IMPORTANT!!! Save your track ever time before trying to do something with blockmixing!!)
Alt+tab and go back to challenge Edit. Click the blue arrow to refresh the track, so you get the new block. Every block in the track is listed here. This block will now appear:
In this case we will be moving the block up/down, so click the "down"arrow next to Z and see the value go down. It should say 4, then click it 3 values down, to 1.
IMPORTANT!!! EVERY time you move ONE single block, EVER single time!! Remember to click "Save block Modifications to memory." Or the move of the block will be deleted!
After moving and clicking, press the diskette icon at one of the upper tabs or press CTRL+S to save all changes (both needs to be done!)
After doing this, go back into Trackmania and close the track editor without doing anything else. Then, simply reopen the track to Refresh the blockmixing, and Voilá! It' should look like this!
(If it doesn't, you suck )
Ok, this is the basics of the basics in blockmixing, try to use this and experiment to do a lot of other stuff, just by trying different stuff you will learn a lot!
This is the first track I made with blockmixing, just by experimenting Try it out and get some ideas!
That's all for now
Oh, and don't hestitate to comment or ask if there's anything
Lun 22 Fév - 17:18 par Taz